PyMongo makes working with “replica sets”: easy. Here we’ll launch a new replica set and show how to handle both initialization and normal connections with PyMongo. This blog post will also be going up as an example in the “PyMongo docs”: - check that page out for more examples of how to get things done with PyMongo.

Replica sets require server version = 1.6.0. Support for connecting to replica sets also requires PyMongo version = 1.8.0.

Starting a Replica Set

The main replica set documentation contains extensive information about setting up a new replica set or migrating an existing MongoDB setup, be sure to check that out. Here, we’ll just do the bare minimum to get a three node replica set setup locally.

Replica sets should always use multiple nodes in production - putting all set members on the same physical node is only recommended for testing and development.

We start three mongod processes, each on a different port and with a different dbpath, but all using the same replica set name “foo”. In the example we use the hostname “morton.local”, so replace that with your hostname when running:

$ hostname
$ mongod --replSet foo/morton.local:27018,morton.local:27019 --rest
$ mongod --port 27018 --dbpath /data/db1 \
  --replSet foo/morton.local:27017 --rest
$ mongod --port 27019 --dbpath /data/db2 \
  --replSet foo/morton.local:27017 --rest

Initializing the Set

At this point all of our nodes are up and running, but the set has yet to be initialized. Until the set is initialized no node will become the primary, and things are essentially “offline”.

To initialize the set we need to connect to a single node and run the initiate command. Since we don’t have a primary yet, we’ll need to tell PyMongo that it’s okay to connect to a slave/secondary:

>>> from pymongo import Connection
>>> c = Connection("morton.local:27017", slave_okay=True)

We could have connected to any of the other nodes instead, but only the node we initiate from is allowed to contain any initial data.

After connecting, we run the initiate command to get things started (here we just use an implicit configuration, for more advanced configuration options see the replica set documentation):

>>> c.admin.command("replSetInitiate")
{u'info': u'Config now saved locally.  ...',
 u'info2': u'no configuration explicitly specified -- making one',
 u'ok': 1.0}

The three mongod servers we started earlier will now coordinate and come online as a replica set.

Connecting to a Replica Set

The initial connection as made above is a special case, for an uninitialized replica set. Normally we’ll want to connect differently. A connection to a replica set can be made using the normal Connection() constructor, specifying one or more members of the set. For example, any of the following will create a connection to the set we just created:

>>> Connection("morton.local")
>>> Connection("morton.local:27018")
>>> Connection("morton.local", 27019)
>>> Connection(["morton.local:27018", "morton.local:27019"])
>>> Connection("morton.local:27017,morton.local:27018,morton.local:27019")

The nodes passed to Connection() are called the seeds. As long as at least one of the seeds is online, the driver will be able to “discover” all of the nodes in the set and make a connection to the current primary.

Handling Failover

When a failover occurs, PyMongo will automatically attempt to find the new primary node and perform subsequent operations on that node. This can’t happen completely transparently, however. Here we’ll perform an example failover to illustrate how everything behaves. First, we’ll connect to the replica set and perform a couple of basic operations:

>>> db = Connection("morton.local").test
>>>{"x": 1})
>>> db.test.find_one()
{u'x': 1, u'_id': ObjectId('...')}

By checking the host and port, we can see that we’re connected to morton.local:27017, which is the current primary:

>>> db.connection.port

Now let’s bring down that node and see what happens when we run our query again:

>>> db.test.find_one()
Traceback (most recent call last):
pymongo.errors.AutoReconnect: ...

We get an AutoReconnect exception. This means that the driver was not able to connect to the old primary (which makes sense, as we killed the server), but that it will attempt to automatically reconnect on subsequent operations. When this exception is raised our application code needs to decide whether to retry the operation or to simply continue, accepting the fact that the operation might have failed.

On subsequent attempts to run the query we might continue to see this exception. Eventually, however, the replica set will failover and elect a new primary (this should take a couple of seconds in general). At that point the driver will connect to the new primary and the operation will succeed:

>>> db.test.find_one()
{u'x': 1, u'_id': ObjectId('...')}
>>> db.connection.port

If you have any questions on working with Replica Sets and PyMongo, feel free to ask in the comments!