Updated 2009-12-13: Adding the actual game itself to this page, mainly so that Aaron has a place to play. Also changing the title to MDCave — A JavaScript Game from A Fun Game.

GAME OVER - Press Spacebar to Restart Score: 0

The game would be here if you were using a browser that supported the [canvas tag](http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#the-canvas-element


In lieu of a real post here’s a time-waster for those I haven’t showed already. This is a game I wrote to procrastinate about a month or two ago, meant to be a larger version of “this game”:http://www.sfcave.com/javaCave.php. It should work in Safari and Firefox. Also, cut me some slack for the lack of polish, as it really was a one night affair. The whole thing is written using Apple’s canvas tag and JavaScript, feel free to use the “source”:http://github.com/mdirolf/mdcave for whatever you want. Post your high scores in the comments.

See also: Zoomix