Updated 2009-12-13: Adding the actual game itself to this page, mainly so that Aaron has a place to play.

GAME OVER - Press Spacebar to Restart Score: 0

The game would be here if you were using a browser that supported the [canvas tag](http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#the-canvas-element


Yesterday I wrote another game using JavaScript and the canvas tag, which I’ve named Zoomix. This time the design of the game is completely original, and I think it came out pretty nicely. Hopefully you should be able to figure out the rules / object of the game after playing with it for a few minutes. Let me know what you think! (And post your high scores in the comments).

The look and feel of the game was inspired by the Rubik’s Cube. After creating a static image of a face of the cube, zooming in on it seemed to be the only logical thing to do. After that was implemented, the mechanics of gameplay just fell out.

The game is open-source (but those of you who care probably viewed the source already).

See also: MDCave